This vehicle has had 3 registered owners.
Please confirm the vehicle's previous use with the seller. Ex-rental or fleet vehicles may have been
driven by multiple people.
Vehicles with a list price of more than £40,000:
You have to pay an additional premium if you have a car with a 'list price' (the published price before any discounts) of more than £40,000.
You only have to pay this rate for 5 years (from the second time the vehicle is taxed).
Taxing For The First Time: Anyone buying a new car will pay a different rate of vehicle tax for the first licence. From the second licence onwards, the standard rate of vehicle tax will apply.
Used cars Coleraine, Used Car Dealer in County Derry / Londonderry | JB AutosUsed cars Coleraine, Used Car Dealer in County Derry / Londonderry | JB Autos07857 620901Derry / LondonderryColeraineColeraine2 Dundooan Road